For an unknown reason this weeks column (10th June) in the Hexham Courant did not get published in the paper, here is a copy of the missing article written by Carole Craig-Gilby,
Welcome to the second week of June and such fantastic sunny weather (now I have said this look out for rain) RIDING MILL DROP-IN IS BACK on Tuesday 15th June in the Millennium Hall All are welcome Don’t Miss Out Do DROP IN any time between 2pm and 4pm every Tuesday onwards, circumstances permitting.
Lynda and Derek Padgett of Matfen are having an open garden Saturday 26th June 2:00 - 5:00 pm Organised by St James Church, Raffle, Refreshments and Cake Stall on the day, Tickets available for £5.00 from Penny (01434 682578) or Jenny (01434 682486)
If you would like to book a Charity Table at the Charity Table Top Sale Saturday July 3rd at the Parish Hall 10.00-1.00 only £10.00 per table, please call Linda Sheppard on 01434682069 you may leave a message and be sure she will get back to you. entrance fee is £1 per person and light refreshments will be available between 10am-1pm
World Prayer Day coming on 28th June at St James New Churchyard 11.30am followed by a bring your own picnic lunch open to all.
Oxfam letter of thanks for a wonderful £1439.50 raised in support (we do love cake, soup and coffee at Riding Mill) was raised by the village well done!
Linden Stephenson 01434682671 will be happy to offer advice as we ask for a team of village and beyond volunteers to eradicate Himalayan balsam on the marchburn on Wednesday 30th June - wellies needed as the Tyne Rivers Trust wishes us to concentrate on over the footbridge bridge past the weir to the wellington pub – so come and exterminate the plant that is shallow rooted but very prolific along the water’s edges.
Riding Mill Arts Club are to recommence their Arts Club on 23rd June 7pm back at the Millennium Hall –a friendly group who enjoy a laugh please call Janet 01424 682478 or Hannah 01424682615 to arrange to try something new –beginners welcome.
Update -- Monday Coffee mornings are back on but due to social distance issues we cannot recommence the Fridays for coffee as there already is a class booked into the parish Hall at 10am -- BUT maybe just maybe as we move forward in June this can be restarted and we can meet up twice a week almost as before-we are wondering about a different day?? Please feel free to message me if another day would suit—taking votes on it now.
Roadworks near the Wellington pub are due this month to install a Zebra Crossing as a traffic calming measure in the village.
Please contact me with your news