Riding Mill
Village Halls
Riding Mill Art Club
Riding Mill Art Club is a friendly, informal Club open to adults of all ages and artistic abilities, from beginner to professional and everything in between, Some members draw, others paint watercolour or oils and some can turn their hands to anything?
We meet twice monthly throughout the year with a month off in January to recharge our creative juices.
We offer a varied programme of professional artist sessions, member-led sessions and our "Bring Your Own” sessions where members do just that, alcohol is optional!
This year we've covered painting snow, mixed media painting, painting “en plen air” and drawing from a live model, to name but a few, No prior experience is necessary, just a have-a-go attitude and same basic Kit.
We hold our biennial exhibition in the Parish Hall where visitors can come and see what we've been up to (and perhaps nab themselves an original Christmas present) and this has always been well supported by people from the village and surrounding area.
We always stop at “half time” for well-earned tea and biscuits and a chance to have a look at what fellow members have been up to during the session and to share positive feedback. There’s always someone who can offer help if you’re stuck and usually someone who can lend you something if you've left it at home!
If you’re interested in joining the art club (for a very reasonable annual membership fee of £30.00!),
please contact:-
Janet Bennett on 01434 682478 janetbennett2208@gmail.com
Hannah Thorpe on 01434 682615 hannahithorpe@hotmail.co.uk.
We meet in the Millennium Hall at 7pm on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month. New members are always given a warm welcome!