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Message From The Village Halls Trust Chair

I wish to keep you up to date with the current situation as it affects our village halls in the light of the coronavirus threat.

These are unprecedented and unsettling times and we are all facing what is fast becoming the ‘new normal’ for a period of time. However it has also brought into sharp focus how much we value each other as a community, care for each other and are willing to help out one another. A crisis truly brings out the very best in people.

Cafe@the foyer, the drop-in games afternoon, film nights and pot luck lunches are cancelled until further notice.

If you do not need to self-isolate, our Parish Hall gardens are open to everyone in the village (please keep an appropriate social distance). There are benches to sit on so you are very welcome to get out into the fresh air, and enjoy all that the gardens have to offer.

Throughout this week we have had urgent discussions with the Parish Council, Churches and other organisations about how best we can use the hall to meet the needs of all villagers in the weeks and months ahead to address the expected health emergency.

Throughout the village we have an amazing resource of many different skills from many different people and we are working with others to put the hall into service in the best and most effective way we possibly can.

Stay safe and keep well.

Best regards, Janet Padgett (VHT chair)



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