Sorry if you have already received this email yesterday but the internet bugs were at work again and it did not go out to all subscribers.
It has been a while since our last "what's on" post, but behind the scenes lots of the unseen work has been happening, with both halls getting there annual electrical safety checks and other maintenance issues, plus the gardens looking better than ever.
Some children's clubs have already started to return and it won't be long before all clubs and groups will be allowed back indoors, Suzanne will of course help with any Covid restrictions needed for clubs/groups to safely return to the halls.
The Parish News has restarted and copies can be purchased for 50p from the popular market table at the hall entrance.
Also if you can help with the staffing of the Cafe due to reopen after the 17th May (restrictions permitting) please contact Suzanne who will be compiling a up to date list of volunteers helpers. or Tel;- 07587 068210
The Riding Mill Drama Club will be holding their AGM this Tue 11th May at 7.30 again by Zoom. All are welcome to attend and any one thinking about joining the club can join us, just email Colin for the Zoom link at,
Please do let me know any club news that we can add to our whats on page and of course please let me know of any changes to your club contact details (email/leaders etc) that we have listed on our website "clubs" page.
Warm Regards
Colin Craig-Gilby
Web Master