22nd April Green Book (2018, PG-13, 2hr 10min) [Biography, Comedy, Drama]
3 Oscars 2019
Dr Don Shirley was a world-class African-American pianist (1927-2013). It is 1962 and Shirley (Mahershala Ali) is about to embark on a concert tour of the Deep South. As he needs a driver (and protection!) he employs Tony Lip (Viggo Mortensen) - a tough-talking bouncer from an Italian-American neighbourhood in the Bronx. Despite their differences, the two men develop an unexpected bond whilst confronting racism and danger in an era of segregation.
Riding Mill Parish Hall doors open 7.00 for 7.30 prompt start
For more information please email Ian ianthompson93@btinternet.com
Entrance Fee £5.00
For a list of all forthcoming films visit https://www.ridingmillvillagehalls.org/film-club
