All Hallows' Eve "Light Station"
31 Oct 2022, 4:45 p.m. for 2hr
St James Churchyard
Church Lane
Riding Mill
Lots of churches in England have run what have been called ‘light parties’ where people celebrate All Saints by dressing up as well-known Christian saints (like St James!) as an alternative to ‘traditional’ Hallowe’en costumes.
We are doing this, too, in Riding Mill, to tell about Jesus and how he is like a Light that the darkness cannot overcome.
That’s why we will come out tonight in the Light, and why your sweets are in ‘Bags of Hope’.
Look for us in the new graveyard...
...Treats... Tricks.
All Souls' 'Time to Remember'
2 Nov 2022, 6:30 p.m. for 1hr 30m
The Rev’d Diana Johnson
Priest in Charge
St James’s, Riding Mill, Northumberland
For information about lots of other church events happening over the next few weeks please click below
