Web Admin Colin

May 30, 2021


Hello Everyone,

Welcome back. It is good to see everyone now that the halls are coming back to life after such a long absence.

Please will you circulate below to your club members as it is important.

We are looking forward to welcoming you back to our halls and the village returning to some form of normality. Life will never be quite the same.

However we still need to be cautious as different variants emerge. We know that the Indian variant is extremely contagious and is in the North East.

We ask you to respect and honour the changes that may be asked of your group.

In order to re-open the halls we have to comply with the necessary conditions required by our Insurance company, so that our policy is not invalidated.

To do this, it may be necessary to alter the timings of the booking that you had prior to lockdown.

This may be by only half an hour, but it will give us the time to clean between bookings.

WHY? - because the hall has to be ventilated and sanitised before the next group can come in. We need to keep everyone safe and for them to know that they are safe.

Covid like any other infection is invisible.

The hall was ventilated and sanitised before your group used the hall, so please respect your fellow users and allow the time for us to do the same for those who come in after you.

If all restrictions are lifted on June 21st we will still continue with the same system. We want to keep our village and our residents safe.

We want you to know that we are doing everything we can to keep you safe.

Judy Wilthew

Village Hall Trust.